White hat SEO vs. Black Hat vs. Gray Hat SEO: What Do They Mean?

In my last blog I have talked about What is SEO and their types but do you know that SEO is also divided into three parts i.e. Good, Better, and Worst. They are White hat Seo, Black hat Seo, Gray hat Seo

Let’s see what this is and how it is being classified into three types:

Many of the people don’t know what are A White hat and Black hat SEO? There is an easy way to tell the difference between a hero and a villain.

The hero is the White SEO

The villain is the Black SEO

What Is White Hat SEO?

Which follows the “rules” and “guidelines” and only uses ethical tactics as followed by Google Search Engine Guidelines?

In Short there are some of the guidelines or rules which we have to follow when we are doing search engine optimization of our website. That is known as white hat SEO it plays a major role in increasing our website traffic.

There are some of the techniques which we should use for White hat SEO:

  • Good Content

Many a time you have heard that “Content is king” You should always build a Quality content not the Quantity content because the quality content will be easily ranked on the website and will also bring traffic to your website.

  • Proper title and Keywords

In SEO Title and keywords plays a major role your title should be proper and should not be more than 65 characters and keyword should also be proper one should properly do the keyword research.

  • Ease of Navigation

One should not do the link building from the irrelevant links that and one should use recognizable links for link building. It is not only important for the users but also important for crawlers who index the sites.

  • Site Performance

White hat SEO refers to any practices that improve your ranking on the SERP Results page and it maintains the integrity of your website. One should constantly check the site performance of the website to know the load speed of the website it will give you a clear idea about your website performance.

You can use tools such as:

  • GTmetrix
  • PageSpeed Insights (Which is part of Google)
  • Quality Inbound Links

One Should create a quality link building we should create a link building from healthy sites not from the spam sites which have low Page Authority and Domain Authority. Link building plays a major role in increasing traffic for your website and does not forget to mention your website address (Links) while doing SEO.

What Is Black Hat SEO ?

When we do not follow Google guidelines and Rules and does the SEO of a website that is considered the black hat SEO. In short when we violate the Google guidelines.

Black Hat SEO Techniques:

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  • Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing is very much responsible for black hat SEO it should not be there we should do not repeat our keywords several times while doing SEO of our website it will create a major problem and crawler will get confused while crawling your pages.

  • Cloaking

When we show one piece of content to users and other pieces of content to search engine that is referred to as “cloaking”. This is done so that their content ranks in Google but it is considered as spam activity and a crawler would not index those pages so never do such types of activities.

  • Hidden Pages

Many a time to achieve a high-rank position on SERP user does not show some text and they hide some of the text with a white background this types of text are not shown to normal people it will be only shown to the crawlers by doing this they are not following Google guidelines and they are using unethical ways to increase traffic on a website.

  • Doorway Pages

These are those fake pages that viewers cannot see they are created only for the Search engine spiders or crawlers so that the ranking of the particular website can be increased and the pages also got indexed.

  • Article Spinning

Article spinning is a writing technique in SEO which completely change your article and create it like a new one many SEO Experts do this type of tricks to avoid duplicity of content.

  • Duplicate Content

When the same type of content is published by someone else in short “cut, “copy”, “paste” of the content. Many a time a user copy the content from some other website and paste into his website that is the duplicity of content which is an unethical way of SEO.

What Is Gray Hat SEO ?

Many of the people do not know much about the gray hat SEO but it also plays a major role in overall SEO Process

It is basically the practice of using technically legal methods to improve the site rankings but could be a risky one because silly mistakes can one day become a black hat SEO for them so they should be very much careful while doing gray hat SEO. This type of activity is done by those who fall under the category of black hat SEO. By doing this they can come under white hat SEO.

Techniques used for Gray Hat SEO:

  • Backlink buying
  • Quality link building from the sponsored links (Paid once)
  • Private Blog Networks
  • Checking broken links and build them properly

“So never go for shortcut to succeed and never feel lazy to go a long way Whether it is SEO or your Professional life always prefer to go for a Longer way.”

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